Heavy haulage in Australia demands a great deal on men and machines. Due to the oftentimes long transport distances and the extreme climate conditions down under the heavy transport equipment is exposed to a high deterioration and stress. Therefore the Australian heavy haulers need to run a specialised fleet of real robust heavy machinery for all transport needs.
Heavy hauling in Australia is a real challenging job for the staff of truck drivers and transport managers as well as for the machines like prime movers, trucks, trailers and SPMT modules. All of this equipment can be combined and configured individually to fit perfectly for all transport requirements.
Heavy haulers for Australian mining companies
Heavy haulers are not only needed for transport within or between the large cities like Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth or Darwin. Australia has huge mineral resources like gold, iron ore, coal and others. In order to build and setup the industrial infrastructure there is also a big demand for heavy and ultra heavy haulage from the Australian mining companies. That's why the haulage companies down under are in charge to adapt the needs of their clients perfectly and offer a wide scope of individual solutions for every kind of road transport. Australian heavy haulers are very much used to move, lift and shift heavy loads in oversize dimensions. Be sure that the below listed companies can always offer the best equipment and heavy machinery for your need. You will find a reliable service for your demand of local or interstate transport on the Australian continent.
Heavy haulers in Australia
Click the links below to find professional and dedicated heavy haulers in the six different territories of Australia:
New South Wales - Victoria - Queensland - Western Australia - South Australia - Northern Territory
Heavy haulage New South Wales - NSW
TJ Clark & Sons |
Hogans Heavy Haulage 113 Alison Road NSW 2259 Wyong Phone +61 2 43512666 Corporate website |
Troy Heavy Haulage Pty Ltd 185 George Downes Drive NSW 2259 Central Mangrove Phone +61 2 42518800 Corporate website |
Howard Heavy Haulage 7 Accolade Avenue NSW 2264 Morisset Phone +61 2 49736044 |
Plant Haul Pty Ltd Mulgrave Road NSW 2756 Mulgrave Phone +61 2 45775599 Corporate website |
Heavy haulage Victoria - VIC
Millars Transport & Logistics Pty Ltd |
Doolans Heavy Haulage 9-11 Loel Court VIC 3189 Moorabin Phone +61 3 95536222 Corporate website |
Heavy haulage Queensland - QLD
P.O. Box 886 QLD 4074 Sumner Park Phone +61 7 38097999 |
NQ Group Cnr Franklin & Breadwall Streets QLD 4108 Rocklea Phone +61 7 33208000 Corporate website |
Peter Tippett Haulage 26 Christensen Road QLD 4207 Stapylton Phone +61 7 33825555 Corporate website |
National Heavy Haulage 53-57 Link Drive, Unit 29A QLD 4207 Yatala Phone +61 1300 792249 Corporate website |
NQ Group 43-45 Enterprise Street QLD 4740 Padget Phone +61 7 49523450 Corporate website |
NQ Group 35 Ryan Road QLD 4825 Mt Isa Phone +61 7 47491707 Corporate website |
Heavy haulage Western Australia - WA
CQ Group Australia WA Perth Phone +61 4 19570476 Corporate website |
Hevi Haul Australia Pty Ltd 81-83 Poole Street WA 6106 Welshpool Phone +61 8 93569799 Corporate website |
Doolans Heavy Haulage 25 Church Street WA 6109 Maddington Phone +61 8 94597591 Corporate website |
Lee's Transport 31 Veates Road WA 6167 Kwinana Beach Phone +61 8 94394459 Corporate website |
Hampton Transport 64 Great Eastern Highway WA 6430 Kalgoorlie Phone +61 8 90260111 Corporate website |
CQ Group Australia 15 Munda Way WA 6721 Wedgefield Phone +61 7 49505184 Corporate website |
Bonnie Rock Transport Pty Ltd 1260 Abernethy Road WA 6936 Hazelmere Phone +61 8 94545099 Corporate website |
Gavin Transport P.O. Box 1234 WA 6970 Canning Vale Phone +61 8 94522211 |
Hampton Transport 462 Belmonta Avenue WA 6986 Welshpool Phone +61 8 92511222 Corporate website |
Heavy haulage South Australia - SA
No companies for South Australia listed yet
Heavy haulage Northern Territory - NT
NQ Group 21 Muramats Road, Berrimah NT 0828 Darwin Phone +61 8 89843789 Corporate website |